Our founder Reza Mirdamadi


ACSIL was formed after founder member Reza Mirdamadi's tenacious spirit and his speech "Amputation - The patient's perspective" at the Pathways of Care symposium in May 2005 provided the driving force in establishing ACSIL - Amputees and Carers Support in Liverpool (and now all Merseyside areas). With help of Babs Gwynne, Coral Williams, Pat Carter and other members of staff at the Royal Liverpool Hospital Vascular Ward, a meeting of 15 amputees and their carers met in the gym at the Royal and ACSIL was formed and has gone from 15 members to over 180 and this number is growing weekly. On 30th December 2010 ACSIL became a registered charity. In December 2011 ACSIL was awarded the Liverpool Knight of Honour award for the best Community Group.

With the opening of our Advice & Information Centre amputees, new members and carers can drop in at any time and discuss their concerns, issues  or problems they may have and find strength and inspiration from other amputees who have been through the same chnage from abilty to reduced ability.The drop-in centre is open from 9.30am - 4.30pm Mondays - Thursdays. We have computers available for people to use to gain information and we have Facebook and Twitter accounts that update information on trips, holidays, etc. We advise members to come along whenever they want to find comfort within our group and reduce time spent at home or alone.

ACSIL's aim is to provide a voluntary service throughout Merseyside in support of amputees, carers and their families who have been affected by amputation and issues surrounding this. ACSIL acts as a resource for all who require advice and information that has been gained from first-hand experience and is not provided by hospitals and prosthetics centres. ACSIL have an open, equal access policy for all the promotion, collaboration and partnerships with relevant organisations. Monthly meetings are held on the first Thursday of each month at 10.00 am at our office/drop in centre.We also have a social Thursday every week from 10.00 am - 4.30 pm where members gather to talk, play games, Wii, exercise, carpet bowls or just have lunch and enjoy being out of the house.

Amputees face numerous barriers in life and ACSIL provide a really valuable service to individuals pre and post amputation, they can speak to people who have first-hand experience ; all our members have lost limbs for various reasonsfrom health to trauma so there is bound to be someone within the group who will be able to relate to you. Speaking with people who have been through what you are facing or what you are experiencing will most certainly help with suffering from problems such as depression, anxiety and high levels of stress thay will affect your quality of life. ACSIL will also help you improve your health and fitness and this will help reduce secondary complaints that will reduce your mobility even further.

ACSIL has been improving its service for each year it has been operating and will continue to improve with you help, ACSIL is now a recognised help and support group and has the support and backing of all the hospitals on Merseyside who are now working with us as they are aware of the health benefits that ACSIL provide; it is a proven fact that we reduce depression and mental health issues, improve health and fitness and social interaction and all this teamed together reduces the pressure on the NHS and improves the quality of life for all amputees and carers that get involved with ACSIL.

And we don't stop there. We provide approximately 6 day trips per year that are finacially subsidised and we also have a 5 day holiday once a year. Come and join our FREE & FUN social support group!