Bobby Hodgson:  Bobby is the Chairman of ACSIL, he has been the chairman for a few years. 




Mission & Vision

To help and support amputees in Liverpool and all areas of Merseyside. Our aim is to help as many amputees and carers as possible by offering support, advice and social contact through our Help & Advice Centre at The Breckfeild Centre, Liverpool.

Why am I chairman of ACSIL? I do it for the love of the club and the members. I am honoured to serve on the committee as an active and productive member, I regard members and carers as family and I try to help people as much as I can aided by my lovely wife Pat.

Our membership is diverse and interesting, from a young ex navy amputee to a 92 year old ex army veteran of WW2 who  is still an active member of ACSIL. We cater for both men and women of any age who have single or multiple amputations or who are in the process of getting same. 

Teresa Walthew: Theresa is the Carer's Representative for the group and is active in helping carers cope with the difficulties in caring for an amputee.

Bobby Hodgson


Our staff

Barbara Hill: is a lay member who helps with fundraising and the Thursday gatherings. She has been a member of ACSIL for 9 years and is much respected 

Carla Dodd: is our Assistant Secretary and our Photographer she has been involved helping in the office and taking photographs of our trips for 8 years.


Phil Grace: is our Sports Coordinator, he organizes all the sports activities taking place in ACSIL. He is our newest member of staff and we welcome him.

Ken Roberts:  Ken is a much respected lay member who helps deliver our newsletter to hospitals and is a dedicated helper when needed. 

​Irene Smith: Irene is our fundraiser and is very active in making sure the group's finances are always healthy. 



We do a lot to improve life for amputees and their carers!

Peter Walthew: Peter is our Treasurer and handles all the finances of the group. A workaholic, his input into ACSIL is incalculable. His wife Theresa gives him a lot of support and is an active member.

Ronnie Jones:  Ronnie is the Concert Secretary and organises our events and trips. He is on the committee and has given his time for the last 8 years.

Recent events

We have ongoing programs of events and visits throughout the year, the the EVENTS tab for more details. Recent events included fishing trips to local venues, a race day at Aintree and barge trips to Chester. These events take place on a regular basis and can be booked through the office. Events are either free or very cheap for members and carers.


Richard Edwards: is our Secretary and does sterling work for ACSIL despite working full time as a solicitor.


Chairman of ACSIL


We welcome volunteers, especially in our Help Centre where they can help run our busy office, answering the phone and doing administration tasks essential to our continued support of amputees and carers.

Contact the office on 0151 261 1166 for more details or to volunteer.